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Book Release From Blitar For Indonesia, Sweet End of Year Gift

On December 29, 2023, the anthology book "hybrid" entitled From Blitar for Indonesia was officially released. The book contains a collection of poems, short stories, essays, mini fiction, and historical articles that become a sweet end-of-year gift.

The book was published from a joint venture of book writing coordinators, namely Jon Blitar, Galang Suhastra, Heru Patria, Yanu Aribowo and Ahmad Fahrizal A. Accommodates as many as 182 works from 32 authors. 

The writers who become contributors are those who are met in the literary voice event, held biweekly at the Blitar Library and Archives Office page.

The literary voice Agenda is also open to the public, and through simple meetings, this book project was initiated.

The book launch from Blitar for Indonesia became very luxurious and festive because it included the literacy Bazaar program of the Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Kabupaten Blitar (Dispusip). Literacy Bazaar is the flagship program of Dispusip. This is the second year of organizing the literacy Bazaar, which is supported by donors. 

Invitations are also limited.

The launch and discussion of the book became the highlight of the event in the evening, a kind of exclusive party that invited relevant officials, book contributors, heads of previous offices and literacy activists.

The tongue of the audience was pampered with an appetizing dinner: goat roll and Peking duck as the main menu, plus Ronde and ice Puter as a supporting menu. The more complete with Premium Robusta steeping from coffee train and coffee Daff.

The event was opened by the appearance of Dispusip Band and Ngaji Tani, followed by the launch of the book; ceremonial affixing signatures by VIP guests as well as the handover of books.

Continuing the discussion and book stories by the contributors, appreciation by Mr. Sulistyo Wimbo Hardjito, a Blitar person who has occupied prestigious positions in a number of state-owned enterprises. The event was peaceful and relaxing.

Since the end of 2020

The moment of release of the book is more complete with the arrival of 4 heads of Blitar Regency Library. Starting from Mr. Herman Widodo, SH, Mr. Ir. Krisna Triatmanto, M.Si, Mr Eko Susanto, ST, M.Si and Mr. Dr. Jumali, S.Pd, M.Ap.

In November 2020, literacy activists were met through GPMB (Gerakan Pemasyarakatan Minat Baca). That was the starting point of a long journey for about 3 years.

The literacy activists consist of community activists and Taman Baca, there are Pak Setiawan Adi, Jon Blitar, Heru Patria, Yanu Aribowo, et al and internal staff of Dispusip Blitar regency who oversee the existence of GPMB until now.

The first meeting was welcomed by Mr. Herman Widodo as head of Department and Mr. Yohanes Dias Joyoharjo as head of Library.

Political escalation changed after the 2020 regional election, the following year there was a mutation of officials. Mr. Yohanes moved, replaced Mr. Drs. Maman Soekrisno. Following Mr. Herman, replaced Mr. Krishna.

Unstable bureaucratic conditions also make GPMB Blitar neglected for almost a year. Then it began to be tidied up again in the era of Mr. Krishna's leadership. It was during this break that the literary voice was born. It is Jon Blitar and Galang Suhastra, Ponggok locals who initiated the biweekly program.

Suara Sastra was decided to be one of GPMB's programs during a coordination meeting at Pak Imam Riyadi's fried duck stall in Sawentar, Kanigoro.

The GPMB structure of Blitar Regency was renewed , and finally inaugurated by the Regent in the literacy Bazaar event, November 18, 2022.

The literary voice continued to run until it entered its 29th edition. The book Project is still initiated even though there is no budget ceiling. The road opened slowly.

The agenda of the literacy Bazaar and book releases continues to be pursued, in the midst of the hustle and bustle of December.

That night the weather was clear, puffs of smiles filled the sky Blitar at the end of the year full of gratitude. []

January 1, 2024

Ahmad Fahrizal A.
