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Attended More Than 100 People, PDPM Kota Blitar Celebrated its 92nd Milad at Istana Gebang

The 92nd anniversary of Pemuda Muhammadiyah was celebrated with a Sarasehan event held at the Balai Kesenian Istana Gebang, the childhood home of Indonesia's founding father, Soekarno. The event, which took place on Friday, 17 May 2024, was attended by various notable figures and organizations, marking a significant occasion for the youth wing of Muhammadiyah.

The event was inaugurated by Lukiarto, the chairman of Muhammadiyah Kota Blitar, who emphasized the importance of networking for growth and development. 

"To be able to grow, you must have connections, and this is an opportunity to expand those connections," Lukiarto stated during his opening remarks, setting a motivational tone for the gathering.

The Sarasehan featured prominent speakers, including Choril Umam, Commissioner of the East Java General Elections Commission (KPU), Rangga Bisma Aditya, Chairman of the Blitar City KPU, and Edi Purwanto, a member of the Blitar City Education Council. Each speaker brought unique insights, contributing to a rich and informative discussion.

Choril Umam highlighted the importance of youth participation in the democratic process. He emphasized how Pemuda Muhammadiyah has historically played a crucial role in fostering civic engagement among young people. 

"Your involvement is essential in ensuring fair and transparent elections," Umam noted, urging the youth to continue their active participation in democratic activities.

Rangga Bisma Aditya spoke about the practical aspects of election management and the critical role that young leaders play in maintaining the integrity of the electoral process. He encouraged the attendees to stay informed and involved, stressing that their contributions could significantly impact the community and the nation.

Edi Purwanto discussed the intersection of education and civic duty, highlighting the need for an educated and aware youth population. Education is the foundation of our nation's future, and it is through informed and educated citizens that we can achieve sustainable development, Purwanto stated.

Khabib Mulya Ajiwidodo, Chairman of Pemuda Muhammadiyah Kota Blitar, also addressed the gathering, drawing a historical connection between Soekarno and Muhammadiyah. He explained that Soekarno's early interactions with Muhammadiyah significantly influenced his vision for Indonesia. 

"Soekarno, as the founder of our nation, had a profound relationship with Muhammadiyah, which shaped his thoughts and leadership," Khabib remarked, underscoring the legacy and continued relevance of Muhammadiyah's values.

The event was well-attended, with over 100 guests, including representatives from various organizations such as GP Ansor, GMNI, and internal invitees from IMM, IPM, Nasyiah, and HW, among others. The attendees were treated to a delightful serving of Bakso, courtesy of a collaboration with Lazis Muhammadiyah, adding a communal and festive atmosphere to the occasion.

The Sarasehan was not only a celebration of Pemuda Muhammadiyah's 92 years of existence but also a platform for meaningful dialogue and networking among young leaders. It reinforced the organization's commitment to fostering leadership, education, and civic engagement among Indonesian youth.

In conclusion, the 92nd Milad of Pemuda Muhammadiyah was a testament to the enduring spirit of the organization and its pivotal role in Indonesian society. 

The event at Istana Gebang served as a bridge connecting the past and the future, honoring Soekarno's legacy while inspiring the next generation of leaders. 

As Pemuda Muhammadiyah continues to evolve, events like these highlight the importance of unity, education, and active participation in shaping Indonesia's future.


Photo documentation was taken by the event committee from PDPM Kota Blitar.
